The Escalon Chamber of Commerce and community members are pleased to announce an adapted Parade of Lights this year.
*****This is NOT a walking / standing / gathering style parade*****
The Parade FLOATS will be stationary and parked in the street on Main St.
A ONE WAY flow of traffic will allow cars to drive the parade route and enjoy the Stationary
Parade Floats. Main St businesses will be decorating their storefronts and sidewalks for drive thru viewing on the opposite side of the street. This should create an entire
holiday light experience for our Escalon Community. The 2020 DRIVE THRU PARADE is just one of several activities that will be offered in our community to help spread
cheer, joy and holiday spirit.
• Parade FLOAT entries must check in between 3:00pm and 4:30pm.
• Check in table at the corner of Second St and Coley St.
• All entires must be in place and ready for viewing NO LATER than 5:00pm and will not be removed until 8:00pm.
• Parade FLOAT entries MUST include lights in decorations.
• NO PEOPLE DRESSED UP AS SANTA. Santa will be at the end of the parade.
• CDC guidelines recommend social distancing for everyone. Face Masks are recommended.
• Do NOT throw candy or toys. NO handing of items to parade viewers.
• Parade FLOAT participants must stay on/in their float space as designated by check in space number. All participants will hold Escalon Chamber harmless from any liability responsibility at this event.
Email form to or call, text Debbie 209-402-0505, Sonya 209-484-4465